PSN’s Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) service is the right solution for data or internet communication needs to support corporate/office business by utilizing satellite technology.
PSN’s VSAT solution helps companies to reach/connect their business branches anywhere in Indonesia, even in remote locations.
VSAT services enable the provision of cost-effective, reliable and secure connectivity throughout the satellite coverage area with various types of services and bandwidth provided.
VSAT SCPC PSN service using C-band spectrum is known for its reliability and has a high Service Level Agreement (SLA).
By using Single Channel per Carrier (SCPC) technology, this data communication service offers a connection with dedicated bandwidth for customers with guaranteed fast, stable and secure connectivity. The VSAT SCPC solution is designed for applications requiring high bandwidth, point-to-point connectivity in either symmetric or asymmetric configurations.
VSAT SCPC is generally used for applications that require a high level of reliability and security such as banking applications, emergency services and ERP implementations.
The VSAT IP Broadband service uses the latest satellite internet technology based on High Throughput Satellite (HTS).
UBIQU is the latest Ku-Band IP Broadband VSAT service from PSN that offers a broadband connection with a smaller antenna device and a more affordable price.
UBIQU is a broadband internet service solution anywhere in Indonesia because it can serve up to areas where there is no terrestrial communication network such as radio, GSM, cable or fiber optic