Signing Ceremony for Awarded Contract of Hot Backup Satellite Project and Operating Services

Jakarta, March 15th 2022 – The agreement signing for Hot Backup Satellite project was attended by BAKTI President Director Anang Latif and Commitment-Maker Officer (PPK) Mutsla Adlan along with the board directors of Kemitraan Nusantara Jaya that was witnessed by The Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G. Plate and was held in Kempinski Hotel, Jakarta.

Kemitraan Nusantara Jaya was declared as the tender winner for the procurement of HBS (Hot Backup Satellite) project, as announced by The Ministry of Communications and Informatics through BAKTI on March 11th 2022.

The signing ceremony for the awarded contract was done by Kemitraan Nusantara Jaya, Agus Budi Tjahjono (President Director of PT Satelit Nusantara Lima), Ravi Talwar (Director of PT Satelit Nusantara Lima and Director of PT Palapa Satelit Nusa Sejahtera), Alex Sutanto (Director of PT DSST Mas Gemilang), Paulus Yuniardi (Director of PT DSST Mas Gemilang), Adi Rahman Adiwoso (President Director of PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara), and J. Indri Prijatmodjo (President Director of PT Palapa Satelit Nusa Sejahtera).

Minister Johnny said,

The Hot Backup Satellite aims to mitigate matters of force majeure, so that we still have a backup that is ready to be positioned in orbit. This satellite is also associated with the independence and service sovereignty of telecommunication, geopolitics, geostrategic, and geoeconomic.

On this opportunity, President Director of PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara, Adi Rahman Adiwoso, representing the board directors of Kemitraan Nusantara Jaya also stated that the Hot Backup Satellite will support Indonesia in entering the digital era and makes Indonesia as the owner of the largest satellite capacity in Asia by 2023.

With SATRIA 1 and this Hot Backup Satellite is an important and great decision where the government will provide internet service so no man is left behind to enter the digital era in Indonesia.

explained President Director of PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara, Adi Rahman Adiwoso.

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